Kids Miracle Podcast 1.2 – How Do You Keep Kids Safe & Healthy
Keeping a child healthy and safe is our number one priority, especially during these times of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). We encourage everyone to participate
Keeping a child healthy and safe is our number one priority, especially during these times of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). We encourage everyone to participate
“It takes a village to raise a child.” This quote is an African proverb relevant to parents with special needs children. Often, the responsibilities are
Behind success stories are mistakes and roadblocks. They also give people hope. Today, we witnessed a sign of hope manifested by a kid at kids
As special needs parents, we only want the best for our children, including whether or not we will enroll them in PPEC services.
Children feel more confident and secure if the activities are familiar. It makes them feel control of their environment if the schedule is predictable.
We want to serve, care for, and nurture a child. But we can only do so much.
When you have enrolled your child in PPEC services, you are investing in your child’s development.
Kids Miracle Steps On-Air 1.2: Keeping Kids Safe During COVID-19 Outbreak[/caption] Keeping a child healthy and safe is our number one priority, especially during these
Kids Miracle Steps On-Air 1.1: It Takes a Village to Raise a Child [/caption] “It takes a village to raise a child.”
Making a child happy is an easy task. Join Kids Miracle Steps for Toys for Tots as we raise $2,000 to give toys to children